Custom API development & Integration

Entrust your API development needs to Heavenkeys for a seamless and tailored integration experience. Custom API Development and Integration at Heavenkeys is a meticulous process focused on delivering secure, scalable, and interoperable solutions that enhance the functionality and connectivity of your digital ecosystem.


Integrate to better your work flow

Payment Gateway Integration

We select the most suitable and compliance secure payment gateway, considering factors like geographical reach and accepted payment methods. Our approach involves careful planning, development, and customization to seamlessly integrate the chosen payment gateway into your website or application.

Social Media Integration

Connect your digital platforms with popular social networks to enhance user engagement. Our approach includes seamless Single Sign-On (SSO), social sharing features, and user authentication, ensuring secure and convenient interactions. We integrate dynamic social media feeds, social analytics, and customized widgets for a cohesive user experience.

E-commerce Platform Integration

Connect your digital store with leading e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. Our approach involves API integration for real-time synchronization of product catalogs, inventory, and order processing.  We integrate secure payment gateways, shipping services, and support multichannel selling for broader reach.

CRM Integration

Connect Customer Relationship Management systems with your digital platforms. Our approach involves careful assessment of business needs, selection, and customization of a suitable CRM system for real-time data synchronization. Lead management, automated workflows, and sales-marketing alignment are optimized, enhancing overall efficiency. 


Marketing Automation Integration

Connect marketing automation tools with your digital platforms. We synchronize customer data in real-time, ensuring a unified and efficient marketing ecosystem. The integration optimizes campaign automation, personalization, lead scoring, and nurturing. Coordination of multi-channel campaigns ensures a synchronized approach to user engagement.

Software Development done

Shipping and Logistics Integration

Connect your digital platforms with shipping services to enhance order fulfillment efficiency. We synchronize order data, automate real-time processing, and optimize inventory and warehouse management. Integration includes shipping cost calculation, multiple shipping options, and robust shipment tracking for a seamless customer experience.

maintenance and updates

SMS and Email Gateway Integration

Connect communication channels with your digital platforms for enhanced outreach and improved user engagement. We synchronize user data, facilitate real-time messaging, and support personalization for targeted communication. Integration includes opt-in and opt-out mechanisms, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and user preferences.


Cloud Storage Integration

Connect your digital platforms with leading cloud storage services for enhanced data management and collaboration. We synchronize user data, enabling real-time file access, collaboration, and cross-platform synchronization. Integration includes file versioning, and recovery features, ensuring data integrity and protection. Automated backup processes and data redundancy enhance data security and recovery capabilities.

Software Development done

Authentication and Authorization APIs

We ensure secure user access and data protection. We seamlessly integrate APIs with your digital platforms, connecting user data and access permissions for a secure authentication process. Integration supports multi-factor authentication, role-based access control, and single sign-on capabilities, enhancing both security and user experience.

maintenance and updates

IoT Device Integration

Connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices with your digital platforms for enhanced data collection, analysis, and automation. Our approach involves selecting compatible IoT devices, and leveraging IoT platform APIs for seamless integration. Integration allows real-time data collection, automation triggers, and responses, empowering informed decision-making.


Data Synchronization APIs

Connect systems to ensure real-time and bidirectional data flow across digital platforms. Our approach involves a comprehensive system compatibility assessment, API selection, and customization to meet specific synchronization needs. Efficiency is enhanced through incremental updates, and robust security measures protect sensitive information during synchronization.

Software Development done

Healthcare Information System Integration

We design a robust integration framework, selecting or customizing APIs that facilitate seamless communication between different healthcare information systems. It extends to various healthcare systems. This includes connecting Laboratory Information Systems (LIS), Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), pharmacy systems, and more, ensuring a comprehensive healthcare network.

maintenance and updates

Real-Time Analytics Integration

Based on your business requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing analytics tools that align with your specific data analysis needs, using popular tools such as Google Analytics, Tableau, or others, depending on your preferences. We connect them to ensure a synchronized and efficient analytics ecosystem. Integration facilitates real-time data processing, allowing for instant analysis and visualization of data trends.


Weather Data API Integration

Based on your business requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing Weather Data APIs that align with your specific data needs. We seamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting data streams, forecasting information, and relevant weather parameters to ensure a synchronized and efficient weather data ecosystem.

Software Development done

Financial Data Integration

Based on your business requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing Financial Data APIs that align with your specific data needs. we seamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting data streams, market indicators, stock prices, and relevant financial parameters to ensure a synchronized and efficient financial data ecosystem.

maintenance and updates

Voice Recognition Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing voice recognition technology that aligns with your specific use case. We integrate them with your digital platforms, connecting voice input, speech processing, and relevant functionalities to ensure a synchronized and efficient voice recognition system. Integration is optimized to support multilingual capabilities and diverse dialects.


Calendar and Scheduling Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing calendar and scheduling tools that align with your specific use case. We integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting scheduling functionalities, appointment management, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient calendar system.

Software Development done

Video Streaming Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing video streaming platforms that align with your specific use case. We seamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting video streaming functionalities, content management, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient video streaming experience.

maintenance and updates

Machine Learning Model Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing machine learning models that align with your specific use case. We seamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting machine learning functionalities, data input/output, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient machine learning experience.


Employee Management System Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing employee management systems that align with your specific use case. We seamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting HR functionalities, employee data management, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient employee management experience.

Software Development done

Facial Recognition Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing facial recognition technology that aligns with your specific use case. We eamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting facial recognition functionalities, user authentication, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient facial recognition experience.

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Government Services Integration

Based on requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing government services platforms that align with specific use cases. We seamlessly integrate government services with digital platforms. This involves connecting service functionalities, data exchange, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient government services ecosystem.


Collaboration Tool Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing collaboration tools that align with your specific use case. We seamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting collaboration functionalities, data exchange, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient collaboration experience.

Software Development done

Survey and Feedback Integration

This may involve leveraging platforms such as SurveyMonkey, Typeform, or others, depending on your preferences. We seamlessly integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting survey functionalities, data exchange, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and efficient feedback collection process.

maintenance and updates

Blockchain Integration

We facilitate the integration of blockchain platforms like Ethereum, ensuring decentralized data storage, cryptographic security, and transparent, immutable transactions. This seamless integration spans existing systems, promoting cross-platform compatibility. Rigorous testing and ongoing support guarantee a reliable, error-free experience, enhancing digital platforms with decentralized security and transparency.


Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

Based on your requirements, we assist in selecting or customizing AR technologies that align with your specific use case. We integrate them with your digital platforms. This involves connecting AR functionalities, data exchange, and relevant features to ensure a synchronized and engaging AR experience. Integration ensures cross-platform accessibility, allowing users to experience AR seamlessly across different devices and locations.

Software Development done

Document Management System Integration

Say goodbye to manual document handling. Our integration ensures smooth and automated workflows, reducing redundancy and enhancing overall operational efficiency. No two businesses are alike. That's why our Document Management Integration services are tailored to your specific requirements. Whether it's specific workflows, user permissions, or document categorizations, we adapt our integration to fit your unique needs.

maintenance and updates

Language Translation Integration

By integrating our Language Translation Services, you open the doors to a global audience. Break down language barriers and connect with diverse markets, ensuring your content resonates with audiences worldwide. Visitors to your platform can effortlessly toggle between languages, ensuring they engage with your content in their preferred language without any disruptions.


Point of Sale (POS) System Integration

Our POS System Integration Services go beyond mere connectivity. We focus on creating a cohesive ecosystem where your POS system collaborates effortlessly with other essential business functions. This synergy translates to streamlined operations, reducing manual errors, and accelerating transaction processes. We prioritize data integrity and customer trust.

Software Development done

Event Ticketing Integration

Experience the ease of online ticket sales, allowing your attendees to purchase tickets effortlessly from the comfort of their homes. Our system ensures a smooth, user-friendly experience, maximizing ticket sales for your event. Effortlessly manage your attendees from start to finish. Our integrated system provides a centralized platform for attendee registration, check-ins, and communication.

Transparency is a core value at Heavenkeys, permeating every aspect of our operations as a front-end web development company. We believe in open and honest communication with our clients, fostering a relationship built on trust.

Michael Edou

( Ceo & Founder of Heavenkeys Ltd )

Technologies we use for Custom API & Development

Our Website Developers utilize multiple software platforms, providing greater computing power, enhanced graphics, robust security standards, and improved performance levels.



















SQL Server


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